Hedgehog Policies
Please take a moment to read & understand the policies in place at Pixie Pets. If you have any questions, check out the Hedgehog Adoption Q&A page. If you still have any questions, Contact me.
Congenital Health Guarantee
Hedgehogs bred by Pixie Pets come with a 6 month congenital health guarantee. This guarantee ONLY covers death due to congenital defects (a disease or physical abnormality present from birth). You must get a wellness check within 1 week of pickup by a qualified exotic veterinarian that is familiar with hedgehogs. If your hedgehog dies as a result of the congenital defect, a necropsy must be performed at your expense and all records must be provided to Pixie Pets. If these conditions are met, Pixie pets will offer a hedgehog of your choosing at an equal or lesser value, no refunds will be given, buyer is still responsible for transport fees for replacement hedgehogs. Health Guarantee is non-transferable.
Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome (WHS) Health Guarantee
Pixie Pets guarantees against WHS for life. You must get a wellness check within 1 week of pickup by a qualified exotic veterinarian that is familiar with hedgehogs. This guarantee ONLY covers death due to WHS. If your hedgehog dies as a result of a WHS, a necropsy must be performed at your expense and all records must be provided to Pixie Pets. If these conditions are met, Pixie Pets will offer a hedgehog of your choosing at an equal or lesser value, no refunds will be given, buyer is still responsible for transport fees for replacement hedgehogs. WHS Health Guarantee is non-transferable.
Breeding Rights
Pixie Pets will sell breeding rights to qualified breeders ONLY. If a hedgehog is sold to a pet home and found to have been bred, buyer is subject to a fine as well as forfeiture of the hedgehog and it's offspring.
A $50.00 deposit is required to reserve a hedgehog. ALL deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE. By placing a deposit, you are agreeing to the policies set forth by Pixie Pets. Deposits are deducted from the total price of the hedgehog (not including any 3rd party payment processing fees). After receipt of a deposit, the chosen hedgehog is marked as RESERVED and is no longer available to other buyers. If paying electronically, you must pay the balance in full at least 1 week prior to transport date, failure to do so will result in a cancellation of the sale and the loss of your deposit. If picking up locally or meeting up, you must pay the balance in full in cash on day of pickup/meet up, failure to do so will result in cancellation of the sale and loss of your deposit.
Transport fee is a flat rate of $200 and due at the time of deposit. Transport fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.
Pixie Pets has NO control over transport dates and pricing! Transport can takes weeks to months to set up and you are not considered booked until your transport fee is received. Fees will be paid to Pixie Pets or the Transporter directly. Once transport has been arranged, you will be given dates, transporter contact info, and any further instructions. It is up to you to be available to receive your hog on the scheduled day of transport. Pixie Pets will not sell hedgehogs to anyone that resides where they are not legal. This includes but is not limited to residents of California, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Hawaii, New York City, Omaha Nebraska, and Washington D.C. Some states/cities require a permit to own a hedgehog and it is up to the buyer to determine if one is needed and acquire it. Pixie Pets can only guarantee and affirm the health and condition of a hedgehog when it leaves. Pixie Pets is not responsible for the care or condition of the animal once in the transporter’s possession. Please visually inspect your animal(s) upon arrival before you sign release papers with the transporter.
Meet Ups
Fees are $50/hr, anything over 3hrs requires a transporter. Locations are TBA, typically a gas station or restaurant off an interstate or major highway (I will NOT drop at your door). Meet Up Fees are DUE in FULL at the time of DEPOSIT. Meet Up Fees are NON-REFUNDABLE, even if you or Pixie Pets cancels the sale.
Proof of Setup
After your pickup, transport, or meet up date has been determined, Pixie Pets must receive photo evidence of proper setup and food labels 1 WEEK PRIOR to pickup or transport. Pixie Pets reserves the right to push back the date of pickup until a proper setup can be established or deny the sale. If I tell you that you have an inappropriate item or you are missing a critical item, do not argue with me about it, either buy the item, remove the item, or move along. I am no longer going to debate, cajole, coerce, or offer for free the item you are missing. I do not care about your feelings, opinions, or anecdotal stories, I care about the health and safety of the animal you are trying to buy from me. There is an entire guide on this site on proper equipment as well as a downloadable checklist, utilize the resources I have offered, they're free and just 1 click away.
Buying a Setup Package
Pixie Pets does sell complete setup packages for $300. If buying a setup package, the entire amount is due at the time of deposit, NO EXCEPTIONS! I will no longer buy and prep items until they are paid in full. When purchasing a complete setup, all I need to know is your color choice. I do have photo samples of everything you will receive.
Missed Pickups
Pixie Pets doesn't fool around with missed pickups. If you cannot meet on the scheduled day or time, you must contact Pixie pets 24 hrs in advance. If you miss the 2nd arranged pickup (for any reason), Pixie Pets will deny the sale and relist the hedgehog as available to other buyers. No refunds will be given.
If full payment has been sent and the buyer has not established adequate proof of setup within a reasonable time frame, the sale will be canceled and a refund will be issued minus the deposit fee. If full payment has been sent and the buyer is found to have been deceptive about your age, legal state/city residency, other hedgehogs you own, intentions regarding breeding, or the intended owner of the hedgehog, the sale will be canceled and no refund will be given.
Pixie Pets does not do "returns", if you can no longer keep your hedgehog for any reason, you must offer to surrender the hog back to me. Sometimes based on available space, I am not able to accept a surrender and you may then be allowed to re-home or sell your hog. In these instances, I may be able to help you advertise and vet potential homes while the hedgehog is still in your care. You must keep your hedgehog for a minimum of 6 months before trying to surrender, re-home, or sell your hog. Failure to offer a surrender to Pixie Pets first will result in a $500 fine or the max allowed by law, whichever is greater.